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Sinus Pain Symptoms & Causes

It’s good to recognize the common symptoms of sinusitis which include cough, sore

throat, headache, fever, loss of smell and stuffy nose. These symptoms can occur when

the mucus lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed due to bacterial, viral or fungal

infection. Often time home remedy is the best option because a virus must run its

course. However, there are times when a trip to the doctor’s office is prudent.

These times include when your symptoms don’t improve or they worsen within a few

days, if you have a history of chronic sinusitis or a high fever.


Diagnosis & Treatment

When you see your doctor he or she may perform a physical exam, nasal endoscopy, CT or MRI scan. The doctor might also take a sinus culture or perform allergy skin tests. Depending on the root cause of your symptoms your doctor could offer nasal spray, over-the-counter pain killer and in some cases antibiotics. If your sinusitis was brought on by allergies then allergy immunotherapy shots or drops may be another option.



Preventing sinusitis can be the best way to avoid the misery of the symptoms and treatments. Because sinusitis can be triggered by the common cold, do your best to wash your hands, blow your nose properly and sneeze into your shoulder rather than your hands. Avoiding cigarette smoke and polluted air also helps to keep your sinuses clean and infection free. Using a humidifier is also a good idea.

Ear Nose & Throat Surgical Associates
Physician’s Medical Terrace

1505 Wilson Terrace #270
Glendale, CA 91206

Phone: 818-241-2101                                    

Ear Nose & Throat Surgical Associates

50 Alessandro Place #230

Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone: 626-577-5550


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